The use of different types of massage tools, such as rollers or balls, in body rubs

Massage therapy is an ancient form of healing that has been used for centuries to help people reduce stress and pain, increase circulation, and improve overall health. In recent years, the use of different types of massage tools such as rollers or balls in body rubs has become increasingly popular. These tools can be used to apply pressure to specific areas on the body in order to provide relief from tension and discomfort.

Rollers are one type of massage tool that can be used during a body rub session. They come in various sizes depending on the area being treated; larger rollers are often employed around larger muscle groups while smaller ones work well for more delicate regions like neck muscles or joints near tendons and ligaments. Rollers also have varying levels of firmness which allows therapists customize their treatments based upon individual needs – softer versions may be best suited for those with sensitive skin while firmer models might prove beneficial when working with deeper tissue layers or stubborn knots within a muscle group .

Using Different Ball Sizes to Target Specific Muscle Groups

Balls are another common type massage tool utilized during these sessions; they typically range from soft foam varieties up through harder rubberized options depending upon desired results . Like rollers , ball-type massagers come in multiple sizes allowing practitioners tailor their treatment according to what works best for each client’s particular issue at hand ; small balls may target tight spots along major muscle groups whereas large ones could reach into broader spaces between them (like lower back). Furthermore , some practitioners even employ heated versions prior certain techniques so as warm up tissues before applying further pressure .

Overall, using different types if massage tools such as roller sor balls is becoming increasingly popular among many modern day therapies due its ability offer customized solutions tailored toward individual needs without compromising safety comfort level s clients’ experience throughout entire process